Installation & Service
Why buy from Generator Pro?
When you buy from us, we give discounts on service and preventive maintenance
We service everything we sell - including Warranties
We don’t sell you a box, we install portable, residential and commercial generators
We remove & dispose of packaging material and leave the area clean
We review how to use it and take care of it
We offer Emergency Service
You can email or call us
We return your phone call
We carry most parts to repair your unit
You get priority repair service when you buy from us
No travel fee first 30 days
Serving Southern NH & Northern MA for over a decade
We have referrals
We accept credit cards
Maintenance and Service - Call for Pricing
Serving Southern NH & Northern MA
Residential Home Stand-by Prevenative Maintenance and Service
Commercial Preventative Maintenance and Service
Portable Generator - Tune-up, Diagnostic and Service
Portable Tune-up
In-warranty's repairs are automatically handled for Kohler, Generac and Briggs & Stratton (Travel fee may apply)
Call for preventative maintenance discounts